It might seem obvious to say that beard care should be, at its root, an extension of your regular hair care routine, but it’s a fact that bears repeating. If you focus on shampooing and conditioning your hair but neglect your beard, the result could be a scraggly or uncomfortable beard. At MenSalon in Rochester, MN, we can help you develop a beard care routine that fits seamlessly into your regular, daily grooming, or perhaps find a beard style that upgrades your entire aesthetic.

Developing Your Personalized Beard Care Plan

Treating beard care as an extension of your routine does mean that it might require some specialized care outside of your other daily habits. The skin on your face and neck, for instance, might have different sensitivities compared to your scalp. Additionally, beards have to contend with food. That means additional grooming may be necessary to ensure your beard is clean, healthy, and not irritated by external factors.

While care of your beard shouldn’t necessarily take over your entire hair care budget or routine, it should have its own slot for necessary products and practices. Because of the unique characteristics of beard growth, upkeep might include oils, pomades, or specialized shaving equipment. Of course, your desired style, hair type, and beard length will determine the specifics of your beard care routine.

Requesting Professional Input

Even if you’re confident in your daily care and products, you may still find yourself struggling with maintaining a consistent feel or style. That’s where the hair care experts with MenSalon really shine. We can help with comprehensive, professional shaving, styling, and shaping. If you’re still in the early stages of developing your care plan, we can also recommend products and techniques that are perfectly suited to your desired look.

If you’re struggling with styling, discomfort, or are looking for a comprehensive shave, MenSalon has what you’re looking for. Rochester, MN area men can reach out to us at (507) 288-1836, book an appointment online, or visit our website to learn more about our hair and beard care support services.